报告时间:2023年6月5日(星期一)上午10:00- 11:30
Title: Social Influence in the Concurrent Diffusion of Information and Behaviors in Online Social Networks
Abstract: The emergence of online social networks has greatly facilitated the diffusions of information and behaviors. While the two diffusion processes are often intertwined, “talking the talk” does not necessarily mean “walking the talk”—those who share information about an action may not actually take part in the action. This study aims to understand whether the diffusion of information and behaviors are similar, and whether social influence plays an equally important role in these processes. Integrating text mining, social network analyses, and survival analysis, this research examines the concurrent spread of information and behaviors related to the Ice Bucket Challenge event on Twitter. We show that the two processes follow different patterns. Unilateral social influence contributes to the diffusion of information, but not to the diffusion of behaviors; bilateral influence conveyed via the communication process is a significant and positive predictor of both diffusion of behaviors and information. Based on the Bass diffusion theory, we find that the influence from bilateral social connections is a more significant predictor than the influence from unilateral social connections. In addition, when jointly modeling the two adoption behaviors, the prediction accuracy of behavior adoptions is significantly improved. These results have important implications for applying theories of social influence, social networks, and contagion to better understand individuals’ behaviors in passing information and taking actions in a social context.
报告人简介:姜正瑞,南京大学商九州体育,九州体育(中国)二级教授、博士生导师。在加入南京大学前,任美国爱荷华州立大学商九州体育,九州体育(中国)信息系统与商业分析教授和托米讲席教授。研究领域为商务智能与大数据分析、数据质量分析、不完美信息下的决策分析、科技创新采用与扩散、信息技术经济分析等,在国际顶级期刊如Management Science, MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Production and Operations Management,IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering等发表多篇论文。曾任MIS Quarterly副主编,现为Information Systems Research副主编和Production and Operations Management高级主编。2016年荣获MIS Quarterly最佳副主编,2021年荣获Information Systems Research最佳副主编等荣誉。